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Lectures & Panels

Here you can find recordings of some mathematical lectures given by prominent female speakers, and also some presentations and panel discussions organised at WiM events.

Mathematical Lectures

14th General Meeting of European Women in Mathematics

The 2009 EMS Lecturer, Ingrid Daubechies, delivered her talks at EWM 2009. They are available on the European Mathematical Society website.

All the plenary lectures from  the  14th General Meeting of European Women in Mathematics,  Novi Sad, Serbia, 2009 were filmed and can be seen on youtube: Part 1Part 2Part 3.

From  Maitreyi to Noether: Science by Women (2014)

A lecture by  Sujatha Ramdorai, professor of mathematics at TIFR, Mumbai. Sujatha is an internationally reputed algebraic number theorist and the first and only Indian to win the prestigious ICTP Ramanujan Prize in 2006.

Presentations about Women in Mathematics

Women and Men: Ambition in an ambivalent society

Talk by Lynne Walling, Reader and Head of Pure Mathematics at University of Bristol. University of Nottingham, Septemebr 2015.

Women are as capable mathematically as men, so why aren't there more women in mathematical research? Are female mathematicians as ambitious as men? Are the accomplishments of female mathematicians as recognised as those of men?  Walling discusses barriers and discouragement women in mathematics often face, and strategies they might employ.

Show me your data! What scholarly publications say about womens’careers in mathematics.

Talk by  Lucía Santamaría and Helena Miahljevic-Brandt at the 16th general meeting of EWM, Bonn 2013.

Panel Discussions

Both AWM and EWM frequently organise panel discussions in conjunction with large mathematical meetings.

Photo courtesy Carol Wood
Lunch after WiM panel organized  by AWM during ICM 
1990, Kyoto.

Women in mathematics: reflections and history from female mathematicians

A panel discussion hosted by the UIC chapter of the AWM, November 15, 2013. 

Photos courtesy Jessica Dyer
Panelists: Alexandra Bellow (Northwestern), Jeanne LaDuke (DePaul), Anne Leggett (Loyola), Bhama  Srinivasan (UIC), and Amie Wilkinson (University of Chicago)


Alexandra Bellow is a distinguished  mathematician, Professor at Northwestern University 1967-1996. Jeanne LaDuke is a historian of mathematics and the author (with Judy Green) of “Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: pre-1940 Ph.D’s“. Anne Leggett is the long-time editor of the AWM Newsletter and the editor (with Bettye Anne Case) of “Complexities: Women In Mathematics“. Bhama Srinivasan, a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, has been at UIC since 1980, and  is a former president of the AWM. Amie Wilkinson is a professor at University of Chicago and recently received the Ruth Lyttle Satter prize.”

From the report: “Each panelist took a turn to tell us about their thoughts on women in math: their personal histories, and/or their research into women in math in general. Bhama Srinivasan, a past president of the AWM, told us about the founding of the AWM and presented statistics on the proportion of female PhD recipients and tenure track faculty in American universities. Jeanne LaDuke spoke about her book “Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: pre-1940 Ph.D’s”. Anne Leggett is the long-time editor of the AWM Newsletter and she spoke about her experiences editing the newsletter and the changes over the decades. Alexandra Bellow spoke about her personal experiences as a woman in math during her time in grad school and during her professorship at Northwestern. Amie Wilkinson, one of the first four female tenured professors of mathematics at the University of Chicago, spoke about her career and her thoughts on the current state of the field.”

Redressing the gender balance in mathematics: strategies and outcome
Photo courtesy Ulf Persson

A panel discussion held during the 6th EMS Congress, Krakow 2012, organised by the EMS Women in Maths Committee. The panellists’ presentations can be found on the website.


Panellists:  Dr Penelope Bidgood (Kingston University, UK) Chair, Committee on Women in Statistics;  Professor Kari Hag (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway);  Professor Marja Makarow, (University of Helsinki),  Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation 2008-2011; Dr Christie Marr, Deputy Director, The Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; Professor Marie-Françoise Roy, (Univ. de Rennes, France), Convenor of EWM.