32 Thank you for˙a successful Discussion Group! Paul Ernest 2012-07-19 8
31 Postmodern Aspects in Mathematics Teacher Education Elisabeth Mantel, Regina D. Möller 2012-05-28 20
30 DG 6: POSTMODERN MATHEMATICS - Final Programme Paul Ernest 2012-04-19 54
29  [Re]DG 6: POSTMODERN MATHEMATICS - Final Programme Sencer Corlu 2012-04-19 24
28 Postmodern Mathematics Education Video on YouTube Allan Tarp 2012-04-14 30
27  [Re]Postmodern Mathematics Education Video on YouTube Paul Ernest 2012-04-19 16
26  [Re]Postmodern Mathematics Education Video on YouTube Allan Tarp 2012-04-17 16
25 Postmodern Analysis Regina Möller, Peter Collignon 2012-03-13 37
24 About postmoden mathematics IN education Maria Nikolakaki 2012-01-27 48
23 Feyerabend vs Lakatos Ilhan M. Izmirli 2012-01-19 29
22 Anglo-American versus Continental Postmodernism, Chomsky versus Foucault Allan Tarp 2012-01-10 21
21 What is Postmodernism? An input from Theology Allan Tarp 2012-01-10 17
20 CALL For˙PAPERS For˙DISCUSSION GROUP 6 AT ICME12 Paul Ernest 2012-01-08 37
19 Thesis Seven. Don’t Just Follow Orders: Teach How to Reckon, not How to Math Allan Tarp 2012-01-03 14
18  [Re]Thesis Seven. Don’t Just Follow Orders: Teach How to Reckon, not How to Math Paul Ernest 2012-01-08 17
17 Thesis Six: 12 Mistakes Mystify Modern Mathematics Allan Tarp 2012-01-03 16
16 A question Ilhan M. Izmirli 2012-01-03 21
15  [Re]A question Paul Ernest 2012-01-08 17
14 The future and˙reply to Brian Lawler Paul Ernest 2011-12-28 24
13 Thesis Five: Post-modern Research Simply Discovers Dissensus Allan Tarp 2011-12-24 18
12 Thesis Four: Post-modernity is When Electrons Carry both Information and˙Energy Allan Tarp 2011-12-23 17
11 Thesis Three: Block-organized Education Develops Talents, Line-organized Drowns Talents Allan.Tarp 2011-12-20 14
10 Thesis Two: Deconstructed, Mathematics is a Natural Science Counting and˙Adding Many Allan Tarp 2011-12-19 24
9 Thesis One: Postmodernism Means Skepticism toward Hidden Patronization Allan Tarp 2011-12-19 25
8 Is mathematics education indispensable for˙science education? Sencer Corlu 2011-12-16 33
7  [Re]Is mathematics education indispensable for˙science education? Bill Atweh 2012-02-28 14
6 Welcome to DG6 Discussion! Paul Ernest 2011-11-23 42
5  [Re]Welcome to DG6 Discussion! Sencer Corlu 2011-12-16 28
4  [Re][Re]Welcome to DG6 Discussion! Maria Nikolakaki 2011-12-18 36
3  [Re]Welcome to DG6 Discussion! Brian R. Lawler 2011-12-11 32
2 test test 2011-11-23 14
1 test test 2011-11-23 10