The aim of TSG 25 at ICME-12 is to discuss the experiences and approaches developed in different countries to support the professional development of teachers for practice, in practice and from practice. The professionalization of teaching requires teachers and teacher educators to be involved in a learning process throughout their entire professional life. The complexity of mathematical teaching practices raises a lot of questions for in-service teacher education such as the demands of new curricula, the development of interdisciplinary projects, the introduction of new technologies into classrooms, or the adaptation of teaching practices for different students and contexts (students with learning difficulties, multicultural classrooms, underprivileged schools, adults, analphabetism etc.). These challenges demand serious reflections as to how to support the persons directly concerned by these issues (practicing teachers and other school practitioners) and develop means that take into account the differing problems to educate teachers in each country. The study group will discuss state-of-the-art approaches to the in-service education and professional development of teachers from a multi-national perspective.

Guidelines for submission  
We welcome submissions of project reports and research articles addressing the following topics:

  • Approaches in developing expertise in effective mathematics teaching
  • The challenges, contents, and forms of effective in-service education and professional development
  • Empirical studies on teacher change through in-service education or professional development and evaluation of professional development
  • Promising programs and projects focusing on the in-service education and professional development of mathematics teacher leaders
  • Further topics
  • All proposals should be in English and should have the following content: Title of the proposal, name(s) and e-mail address of the author(s), institution(s), country, abstract (max. 10 lines), main text, and references.
  • Submission can be a project report or a research report, including: abstract, theoretical or conceptual framework, methodology, results, and discussion and conclusion.
  • The length of the proposal should be no longer than 3000 words, 1.5 spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman, references shall follow APA style.
  • Proposals should be submitted electronically by November 30, 2011 both via e-mails to the Co-chairs of TSG 25 and through the on-line submission system at the Congress website.
  • Submitted proposals will be acknowledged upon reception. Based on the received proposals the Organizing Team of TSG 25 will develop the program for the TSG’s sessions at ICME 12.

On-line submission
Go to<My Page> at the first page of the Congress Homepage or press <Submit your proposal> button on TSG 25 website in the Congress Homepage.

November 30, 2011 Submission of brief proposals (two pages) or full proposal (no longer than 3000 words)
January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 10, 2012 Submission of final draft

Co-chairs : Shuha An(USA)
                 Andrea Peter-Koop(Germany)
Team Members : Yimin Cao(China) 
                          Barbara Clarke(Australia)
                          Gooyeon Kim(Korea)
                          Agatha Lebethe(South Africa)
Liaison IPC Member : Gabriele Kaiser

Submit a proposal
Programme : TBA
Final Draft List : TBA