
Topic Study Group 29 at ICME-12 hopes to bring together researchers and teachers of different countries who feel concerned by questions related to gender and mathematics education.
While mathematics is universal, it appears that delicate process in the classroom, but not only there, lead boys and girls to perceive things differently. Perceptions of mathematics formed at school have implications for students' future learning and careers. If the teacher, male or female, is conscious of gendered practices and attitudes, what can he/she do to provide to each pupil or student, boy or girl, the opportunity of understanding, participating and appreciating mathematics?
Here are some of the subjects that could be of great interest for participants in the topic study group.
1. Gender inequalities in participation, achievement and attitudes in particular countries as well as data from international comparative studies like TIMSS or PISA.
2. Cultural, economical, sociological, psychological, others factors that contribute to gender inequalities and inequities in mathematics.
3. Approaches to reduce gender inequities in classrooms, in schools, colleges or universities: research findings as well as institutional plans or individual experiments are welcome.
4. Sensitizing or training teachers to questions related to gender in mathematics education.
5. Others not listed before but of interest for the topic.
We especially invite participants from developing countries to present a contribution.

Guidelines for submission
1. Indicate name(s) of the author(s) and their location (town and country, school or institution) and contact details
2. The length of the proposal should be between 1000 and 1500 words.
3. Submit by November 30, 2011 both via e-mail to the co-chairs of TSG 29 and through the on-line submission system at the Congress website.

On-line submission
Go to<My Page> at the first page of the Congress Homepage or press <Submit your proposal> button on TSG 29 website in the Congress Homepage.

November 30, 2011 Proposal submission
January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
April 10, 2012 Submission of Final Draft

Co-chairs :Olof Steinthorsdottir(USA)
                Veronique Lizan(France)
Team Members :Colleen Vale(Australia)
                         Laura Martignon(Germany)
                         Sun Hee Kim(Korea)
Liaison IPC Member : Cheryl Praeger

Submit a proposal
Programme : TBA
Final Draft List : TBA