ICM'98 Circular Letters

  1. CL01 (95/11/24): WELCOME, IMU and ICM98-servers in action
  2. CL02 (96/02/20): chairman of the ICM98 program committee/ICM98 Sections
  3. CL03 (96/05/17): ICMI and ICME-8 (Sevilla, Spain, July 14-21, 1996)
  4. CL04 (96/07/05): Bids for ICM-2002
  5. CL05 (96/08/20): nominations for the Fields Medals and the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize
  6. CL06 (96/08/28): Financial support for mathematicians from developing countries, IMU Special Development Fund
  7. CL07 (96/09/11): ICM98 Sections, an Update
  8. CL08 (96/10/12): Financial support for mathematicians from Eastern Europe
  9. CL09 (96/12/18): Special Stamp for ICM98
  10. CL10 (97/03/18): VideoMath Festival: CALL FOR VIDEOS
  11. CL11 (97/04/07): Riemann conjecture solved?
    CL11 Addendum (97/04/07): Riemann conjecture solved? ADDENDUM
  12. CL12 (97/05/11): Preparations for the 1998 IMU General Assembly
  13. CL13 (97/06/28): Session on MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE: Call for participation
  14. CL14 (97/07/26): Support of Mathematicians from Eastern Europe: APPLICATION FORM
  15. CL15 (97/08/18): First Announcement
  16. CL16 (97/09/27): Financial support for mature mathematicians from developing countries
  17. CL17 (97/11/13): CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS, Mathematical Software Session
  18. CL18 (97/11/20): Mirror Sites of the ICM98 and IMU Server
  19. CL19 (97/12/10): List and Schedule of the Plenary Speakers
  20. CL20 (97/12/20): ICM'98-VideoMath/Call for Videos
  21. CL21 (97/12/23): Check your mailing address for the Second Announcement
  22. CL22 (98/01/17): Second Announcement/Registration/Server redisgn
  23. CL23 (98/02/23): List and Schedule of the Invited Speaker
  24. CL24 (98/03/11): Special Activities Related to Women in Mathematics
  25. CL25 (98/04/01): Footloose Tours, A First Glimpse
  26. CL26 (98/04/08): URANIA Activities, A Preview/ICM'98 Registration
  27. CL27 (98/04/28): Early Registration Deadline/Financial Support/Berlin as a Centre ...
  28. CL28 (98/06/11): Electronic Publishing/Mathematical Software/Comparison of Mathematical Studies
  29. CL29 (98/07/02): Scientific ICM'98 Program, Short Communication and Poster Sessions, ...
    CL29 Addendum (98/07/02): Plenary Presentations
  30. CL30 (98/07/15): Berlin mathematicians under the Nazi regime
  32. CL32 (98/07/24): ICM Stamp, ICM Souvenirs, Footloose Tours
  33. CL33 (98/08/05): Acknowledgements, Donors, Proceedings, Final Program, Exhibitors
  34. CL34 (98/08/07): Arriving in Berlin/Registration at TU Berlin/....
  35. CL35 (98/11/11): Proceedings/Address Changes/Ad-Hoc Talks/WMY 2000
  36. CL35 (99/05/04): ICM2002-server in action, preliminary registration

Wolfgang Dalitz
Last modified: Wed May 5 09:29:24 MSZ