The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Bulletin No. 47 
December 1999

Purchasing the ICMI Study Volumes

A report on the ICMI Studies which have been organized up to now has appeared in the previous issue of this Bulletin (ICMI Bulletin, Vol. 46, June 1999, pp. 32-36).  The associated Study Volumes for Studies 6-9 are available from Kluwer Academic Publishers.  Readers are reminded of the following special arrangements with Kluwer:

Individuals may purchase the paperback edition of the Study

Volumes published by Kluwer Academic Publishers

at a considerably reduced rate

(2/3 of the regular paperback price)

if the book is ordered through ICMI.

It is understood that the books ordered are

for personal use only.


Those wanting to take advantage of this opportunity should contact the Secretary at the address indicated below to receive a special order form.  Contents of the Study Volumes and prices can be found on the Kluwer website:

(where "NISS" stands for New ICMI Study Series).

Bernard R. Hodgson, Secretary
Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université Laval
Québec  G1K 7P4  Canada
fax:  +1 418 656 2817