The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Bulletin No. 47 
December 1999

The World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions


The World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions is a voluntary organization, created through the inspiration of Professor Peter O'Halloran of Australia, that aims to promote excellence in mathematics education and to provide those persons interested in promoting mathematics education through mathematics contests an opportunity of meeting.

Article 1 - NAME
  1. The name of the organization is the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions, hereafter referred to as WFNMC or the Federation.

Article 2 - STATUS
  1. The Federation is affiliated with ICME, the International Congress on Mathematical Education, and as a special interest group with ICMI, the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction

Article 3 - AIMS
  1. The aims of the Federation are :
    1. to promote excellence in and research associated with mathematics education, through the use of school mathematics competitions;
    2. provide meetings and conferences where persons interested in mathematics contests can exchange and develop ideas of use in their countries;
    3. provide opportunities for the exchanging of information for mathematics education through published material, notably through the Journal of the Federation;
    4. recognize through the WFNMC Awards system persons who have made notable contribution to mathematics education through mathematical challenge around the world;
    5. organize assistance provided by countries with developed systems for competitions for countries attempting to develop competitions;
    6. promote mathematics and to encourage able young mathematicians.

  1. The Federation will hold a conference every two years at a site to be determined by the Regional Representatives Committee.
  2. Special conferences of the Federation may be held on a regional basis at the discretion of the Executive.

Article 5 - MEMBERSHIP
  1. Membership is open to any person or organization interested in the employment of mathematics competitions in enhancing mathematics education, and who agrees to assist the WFNMC in the realization of its aims.
  2. Membership fees will be set by recommendation of the Executive and approved by the members.
  3. Membership is necessary of any who wish to hold office in the WFNMC. Persons standing for office must have been members for at least one year before taking office.

  1. At least once every four years the Federation will hold (usually at one of its two-yearly conferences) a Formal General Meeting open to all members.

Article 7 - VOTING
  1. Questions arising at meetings shall be decided by voting. This will be by show of hands unless a secret ballot is deemed necessary by the President. Questions will be decided by a simple majority of voting individual members, except for amendments to the Constitution.
  2. Members present, and only those present who are members, are eligible to vote.
  3. A declaration will be made by the President (or his substitute) that any motion has been carried or not carried, and the result will be recorded in the minutes.

  1. The Federation will be administered by Officers who are individuals elected from the members. The Officer positions are eight as defined in Section 8.3, and these Officers will constitute the Executive Committee of the WFNMC.
  2. The Officers will be elected by the members for four-year renewable terms, as follows :
    1. President
    2. Vice-President (of which there shall be three, one of whom will be designated senior Vice-President)
    3. Publications Officer
    4. Chair, Awards Committee
    5. Secretary
    6. Treasurer
  3. Duties of the Officers are defined as follows:
    1. President: The President will preside at meetings of the Executive and of the WFNMC members, will serve ex-officio on all committees, will ensure the coordination of all Federation activities, will prepare agendas for general meetings, and will represent the WFNMC at official functions as necessary, and will maintain relations with international bodies with which WFNMC is affiliated.
    2. Vice-President: The Vice-Presidents will be responsible for membership, program, and presentation of candidates for office at times of election. These duties will be shared among the three. The senior Vice-President will chair the Executive Committee in the absence of the President.
    3. Publications Officer: The Publications Officer will be responsible for the production of Federation materials, specifically the Journal of the Federation, and for other materials as approved by the Executive.
    4. Chair, Awards Committee: The Chair of the Awards Committee will be responsible for the gathering of nominations for the Federation?s awards, for working with the Awards Committee to select worthy recipients, and for recommending recipients to the Executive Committee.
    5. Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for the recording and distribution of minutes for all regular and special meetings of the members or the Executive Committee, and for the preparation of any necessary correspondence pertaining to the business of the Federation.
    6. Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of any assigned fees, contributions from supporting bodies, or other monies as may be assigned to the Federation, and is also responsible for disbursements on behalf of the Federation. The Treasurer will present an annual financial statement to be published in the Journal.

Article 9 - COMMITTEES
  1. Standing Committees are responsible to the Executive, and are as follows :
    1. Program: The Program Committee will be responsible for the development of program for Federation conferences. The Committee will work in conjunction with persons at the local site of a conference. The Committee will be chaired by one of the Vice-Presidents, and will include at least two members who are not members of the Executive.
    2. Awards: The Awards Committee will receive and assess nominations for Federation awards, and will recommend candidates for awards to the Executive Committee. The Committee will consist of at least two, but not more than four, members who are not members of the Executive, in addition to the Chair.
    3. Regional Representatives: The Committee of Regional Representatives is responsible for the implementation of Federation programs in the various regions of the world. The Committee will meet at Federation conferences with the President, who will chair the committee, and Executive members as desired to consider sites for future meetings. There will be regional representatives for Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America.
  2. Special committees may be created by the Executive as needed.
  3. Each committee will keep minutes of meetings and will report their deliberations to the Executive through the President.

Article 10 - DISSOLUTION
  1. In the event of dissolution of the Federation, any funds or assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be transferred to the Australian Mathematics Trust.

  1. Unless otherwise ordered by the executive, the financial year of the Federation shall be from July 1 to June 30.

  1. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed in writing to the President at least sixty days before any meeting of the Federation.
  2. Such amendment, alteration, or repeal of the constitution will be placed before the members only if confirmed by a majority of votes cast at an Executive Meeting.
  3. Any amendment, alteration, or repeal must be approved by two-thirds of the members present at a duly constituted Federation meeting.