Best 100 of Seoul    

Continuing the practice of recent ICMEs, five ICME-12 Survey Teams (ST) have been appointed. Each team will work until the congress to survey the state of the art with respect to a certain theme or issue, with particular regard to identifying and characterizing important new knowledge, recent developments, new perspectives, and emergent issues. The creation of these teams is intended to strengthen the emphasis on new developments and progress in the area of each theme or issue since the latest ICMEs. The themes and names and countries/regions of persons involved in the Survey Teams are as follows:

The themes are:
ST1 : The Relationship Between Research and Curriculum Design

Chair : Glenda Lappan (USA)  glappan@math.msu.edu 
Team Members : Jianseng Bao(China) jsbao@math.ecnu.edu.cn

                          Malcolm Swan(UK) malcolm.swan@nottingham.ac.uk

                          Vinicio de Macedo Santos(Brazil) vms@usp.br

                          Keko Hino(Japan) khino@nara-edu.ac.jp

                          Karen D’Emiljo(Namibia) kats@iway.na
Liaison IPC member : Gail Burrill(USA) burrill@msu.edu


ST2 : Panel on Gender and Mathematics Education (revisited)

Chair : Gilah Leder(Australia) Gilah.Leder@monash.edu 
Team Members : Helen Forgasz(Australia) Helen.Forgasz@monash.edu 
                          Lovisa Sumpter(Sweden) lovisa.sumpter@edu.uu.se
                          Jayasree Subramanian (India) j_manian@yahoo.com  
                          Nouzha El Yacoubi(Morocco) n.elyacoubi@yahoo.fr
                          Sarah Lubienski(USA) stl@illinois.edu
                          Maria Trigueros(Mexico) trigue@itam.mx
Liaison IPC member : Gabriele Kaiser(Germany) gabriele.kaiser@uni-hamburg.de


ST3 : The History of Mathematics for Supporting an Interdisciplinary Approach to Mathematics Education

Chair : Costas Tzanakis(Greece) tzanakis@edc.uoc.gr

Team Members : Hans Niels Jahnke (Germany) njahnke@uni-due.de

                          Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen (Denmark) thk@ruc.dk

                          Tatina Roque (Brazil) tati@im.ufrj.br

                          Man Keung Siu (Hong Kong) mathsiu@hkucc.hkul.hk

                          Jan van Maanen (Netherland) maanen@math.rug.ne
Liaison IPC member : Evelyne Barbin(France) evelyne.barbin@wanadoo.fr


ST4 : Key Mathematical Concepts in the Transition from Secondary to University

Chair : Mike Thomas(New Zealand) moj.thomas@auckland.ac.nz
Team Members : Elena Nardi(UK) e.nardi@uea.ac.uk 
                          Danielle Huillet(Mozambique) danielle.huillet@yahoo.fr 
                          Chris Rasmussen(USA) chrisraz@sciences.sdsu.edu 
                          Iole de Freitas Druck(Brazil) iole@ime.usp.br  
                          Mikyung Ju: Hanyang(Korea) mkju11@hanyang.ac.kr  
                          Jinxing Xie: Tsinghua(China) jxie@math.tsinghua.edu.cn
Liaison IPC member :Johann Engelbrecht(South Africa) johann.engelbrecht@up.ac.za


ST5 : Socio-economic Influence on Students’ Achievement

Chair : Paola Valero(Denmark) paola@learning.aau.dk  
Team Members: Danny Martin(USA) dbmartin@uic.edu
                         Murad Jurdak(Lebanon) jurdak@aub.edu.lb 
                         Tamsin Meaney(Australia) tmeaney@csu.edu.au

                         Mellony Graven(South Africa) mellony.graven@wits.ac.za

                         Miriam Penteado(Brazil) mirgps@rc.unesp.br
Liaison IPC member : Morten Blomhoej(Denmark) morten@ruc.dk




Local Organizing Committee
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Korea National Univ. of Education Gangnae-myeon, Cheongwon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do (363-791), Rep of KOREA
Tel. +82-2-576-9945 / Email. icme12@icme12.org

단체명: 제12차 국제수학교육대회조직위원회 / 공동대표: 류희찬, 신현용 / 고유번호: 317-82-63777 / 개인정보관리책임자: 임유선
소재지: 충청북도 청원군 강내면 다락리 산7 한국교원대 / 대표전화: 02-576-9945 / 이메일: icme12@icme12.org