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Report on ICHM Co-Sponsored 13th Austrian Symposium

13th Austrian Symposion on the History of Mathematics May 1 till 7, 2016 in Miesenbach, Lower Austria

Theme: Name saints and godfathers – How mathematical concepts are baptized

Once more the symposion took place in the Börsenhof in Miesenbach. It was already for the seventh time that we met at this nice place. We had many regular guests, but also some newcomers. Naturally, the talks — accompanied by many discussions — were the most important part of the conference program:

Stefan Deschauer (Dresden) Zur Tara-Rechnung in einigen Rechenbüchern der Neuzeit, insbesondere im Zweiten Rechenbuch von Adam Ries
Alfred Holl (Nürnberg) Summenformeln für endliche arithmetische und geometrische Reihen in handschriftlichen und frühzeitlichen Rechenbüchern im Regensburger Raum
Marko Razpet (Ljubljana) Eine indische approximative Berechnung der Quadratwurzel
Ulrich Reich (Bretten) Philipp Melanchton und seine Verdienste um die Mathematik
Renate Tobies (Jena) Die Clebsche Diagonalfläche in der Korrespondenz Darboux-Klein
Karl-Heinz Schlote (Hildesheim) "Neumannsch" oder nicht – das ist die Frage
Zdzisław Pogoda (Cracow) Some remarks on the classification of surface
Danuta Ciesielska (Cracow) Bézout's theorem (on the intersection number of two algebraic curves).
Miloš Čanak - Jasna Fempl (Beograd) Golden sections and continued fractions, Mathematik und Musik in der organischen Chemie
Gerd Baron (Vienna) Kubikwurzeln bei Diophant
Stanisław Domoradzki - Michael Zarichniy (Rzeszow) On Algebra in Lvov on the years 1870-1939
Martina Bečvářová (Prague) Mathematics at the German University of Prague
Hannelore Eisenhauer (Hasliberg) Wittenberg: Bildung und Mathematik, Band 2
Jasna Fempl - Miloš Čanak (Beograd) Connection between the children of inversion – golden section and continued fractions and their melody
Silvia Schöneburg - Holger Wuschke (Leipzig) Der mittelalterliche Zahlenkampf – Ein Spiel kommt zu seinem Namen
Jacques Sesiano (Lausanne) Von der magischen Anordnung der Zahlen zu den magischen Quadraten
Nada Razpet (Ljubljana) Malfatti's Problem
Jasna Fempl (Beograd) A brief overview of the development of trigonometry
Detlef Gronau (Wien) Wie die Logarithmen zu ihrem Namen kamen
Thomas Krohn (Leipzig) Meere, Berge, Dämonenstädte – Johannes Keplers frühneuzeitliche Gedanken zur Mondtopographie
Hans Fischer (Eichstadt) Zum Riemann-Integral: davor und danach
Annette Vogt (Berlin) Statistics versus stochastics: On the history of terms without a patron (name giver)
Harald Gropp (Heidelberg) "Quarta pars terra" und "Nova mundus" – Wer erfand Amerika und wer entdeckte die Projektion?
Rita Meyer-Spasche (Munich) Rundreise eines Algorithmus -- Round-trip of an algorithm
Peter Ullrich (Koblenz) Computeralgebra ohne Computer – Über die Dissertation von GRETE HERMANN

Further participants:
Wolfgang Breidert (Karlsruhe), Gerlinde Faustmann (Wiener Neustadt), Menso Folkerts (Munich), Klaus Kohl (Hasliberg), Michael von Renteln (Karlsruhe), Herwig Säckl (Regensburg), Peter Schmitt (Vienna), Waltraud Voß (Dresden)

This year's excursion took us to Kaiserbrunn (meaning "emperor's well"), where we could visit the main source of the water supply for Vienna, and — in an interesting museum — the buildings and canals (constructed 1878) that transport the water from the high mountains to Austria's capital Vienna. Then most of us took the opportunity for a hike through a valley along the water route. Alternatively, those who did not like to walk could visit the town of Reichenau, a resort that was very popular in the late 19th century.

Depending on one's taste, the breaks in the scientific program were spent on walks exploring the hills around the hotel, or by solving a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle, or several wood puzzles, or by participation in a paper flyer competition.

A volume containing the talks and some pictures will appear soon.

group picture: first row from left to right:
Marko Razpet, Harald Gropp, Jamilla Sesiano, Gisela von Renteln, Rita Meyer-Spasche, Martina Bečvářová, Nada Razpet, Annette Vogt, Christa Binder, Marlene Breidert, Waltraud Voß,

second row, from left to right:
Jasna Fempl, Hans Fischer, Jacques Sesiano, Herwig Säckl, Gabriela Reich, Detlef Gronau, Renate Tobies, Silvia Schöneburg, Winfried Mahler, Menso Folkerts, Stefan Deschauer, Thomas Krohn, Michael Zarichniy, Stanisław Domoradzki,

third row, from left to right: Miloš Čanak, Michael von Renteln, Alfred Holl, Holger Wuschke, Wolfgang Breidert, Zdzisław Pogoda

alternative group picture: first row from left to right:
Waltraud Voß, Danuta Ciesielska, Silvia Schöneburg, Renate Tobies, Martina Bečvářová, Annette Vogt, Christa Binder, Miloš Čanak, Jasna Fempl, Alfred Holl

second row, from left to right:
Zdzisław Pogoda, Michael Zarichniy, Marlene Breidert, Wolfgang Breidert, Stefan Deschauer, Stanisław Domoradzki, Klaus Kohl, Harald Gropp

third row, from left to right:
Holger Wuschke, Thomas Krohn, Karl-Heinz Schlote, Menso Folkerts, Ulrich Reich.

Christa Binder
