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Individual Travel Support Recipients 2020

Le Anh Xuan

Le Anh Xuan is a lecturer at the Can Tho University of Technology in Vietnam. He will be hosted by Prof. Ponnusamy Saminathan at the Indian Institute Of Technology Madras, Chennai. His research interests involve the theory of theory of harmonic mappings, quasiconformal mappings and dirichlet.

Due to Covid 19 the research visit has been postponed.

Maliheh Hosseini

Maliheh Hosseini is a an Associate Professor at the K. N. Toosi University of Technology in Iran. She will be hosted by Prof. Juan J. Font at the University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. Her research interests involve algebraic reflexivity of sets of bounded linear operators between function spaces.

Due to Covid 19 the research visit has been postponed.

Alireza Hosseini

Alireza Hosseini is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran. He will be hosted by Prof. Kristian Bredies at the University of Graz, Austria from 01.07.2021-31.08.2021. His research interests involve Mathematical Image Processing, Neural Networks and Machine Learning.

Due to Covid his visit has been postponed to June 20, 2022 – September 9, 2022.


Ibrar Hussain

Ibrar Hussain is an Associate Professor at the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. He will be hosted by Prof. Graham Hall at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. His research interests involve Ricci Solutions, Killing Vector Fields and Homothetic Vector Fields.

Due to Covid 19 the research visit has been postponed.

Minoo Kamrani

Minoo Kamrani is an Associate Professor at the Razi University, Iran. She was hosted by Prof. Dr. Erika Hausenblas at the Leoben University, Austria from 17.07.2021-18.09.2021. Her research interest is investigating an adaptive numerical method for Cox-Ingersoll-Ross(CIR) model.

Activity Report of Minoo Kamrani