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Report on EMALCA Ecuador 2017 was held in the University San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, 7-11 August 2017

The main goal of the EMALCA (Escuelas de Matemáticas de América Latina y el Caribe ) Ecuador 2017 was to serve as a stepping stone towards strengthening the topology community in the Latin American region and as a springboard for the community of Ecuadorian mathematicians working in the areas of algebra, topology and geometry. It was expected to promote the collaboration between the mathematicians in the Ecuadorian community and other countries in Latin America, specially neighbouring countries, to give access to students in Ecuador and neighbouring countries to specialized courses that are not regularly offered in their universities, to provide the undergraduate students with the relevant information concerning graduate studies possibilities and to produce academic material in the form of lecture notes which will be written in Spanish.

Academic material will be produced in the form of lecture notes of the three courses and will be written in Spanish. This material will be available freely on the website of USFQ.

To read the report go here.