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Dias de Combinatoria 2019, Colombia, 15-26 July, 2019

The “Dias de Combinatoria 2019” conference was held at the University of Cauca, Popayan, Colombia during the period 15-26 July, 2019. During the “Dias de Combinatoria 2019” conference four successful introductory minicourses in enumerative, geometric and algebraic combinatorics took place. These minicourses were held in spanish and they were comprised, each of five lecture sessions and five group-work sessions, during which students worked on problems. Each session was one and a half hours long. The minicourses provide the foundations in basic topics in regards to combinatorics and related areas. The mini-courses were accompanied by problem sessions and activities among the participants. In particular, DIAS 2019 aimed at encouraging participants to participate and get the most out of the Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria (ECCO), which occurs every even year, as well as other prominent events in combinatorics worldwide.

For more information go here

For the report go here