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Report Friedrich Hubalek Mongolia 2015

Name of Volunteer: Friedrich Hubalek

Home Institution: TU Wien

Position at home institution: Associate Professor (Universitätsdozent)

Host Institution: National University of Mongolia (NUM)

Arrival and departure date in host country: June 7 - 27, 2015

Who was your main contact in the host country? Associate Professor Tsogzolmaa Saizmaa, National University of Mongolia, Department of Mathematics,

Note: In my answers I refer to the “ensuing summer school”, by which I mean: Stochastic Processes and Applications, CIMPA - DAAD Research School, National University of Mongolia July 27 - August 07, 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Location (country, city, institution) of your lecture:
Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, National University of Mongolia, Department of Mathematics 

Dates of your lecture:
June 8 - 26, 2015 (Monday to Friday, daily) 

Subject and title of the course:
Probability Theory, "Introduction to measure-theoretic probability theory"

How often did you teach a course?
One course, three weeks, five days per week, each unit four hours; in total 15 units of lectures including some time for exercises. 

How many students took part in the course(s)?
Initially 70 participants registered. Many were interested in any kind of lecture given in English language, but soon it became clear that this was an intensive and focused course with mathematical content and then the number dropped to 15 serious students of mathematics, who followed the course and actively participated in the exercises and discussions for the whole three weeks. 

Background of students:
Mixed both undergraduate and master students. The main focus was to teach on a level appropriate for master students, and the course was component of a regular degree program for a Master of Science, majoring Mathematics, but several advanced bachelor students also participated successfully. 

What type of assessment tools did you use?
I did not use any particular tools. Assessment was obtained from the students' participation and performance during the exercise sessions in combination with an oral examination after the course. 

In which language was the course given:
In English. 

Was the course language the native language of the students?
No. In fact, is was one of the major goals of the course to teach and practice "doing mathematics in English" to the Mongolian students to prepare them for the ensuing summer school* and possible future studies abroad. ?* Stochastic Processes and Applications, CIMPA - DAAD Research School, National University of Mongolia July 27 - August 07, 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 

Did you give any public lectures, and did you discuss with local staff issues regarding the curriculum?
Apart from the course I gave two research presentations about my own research, which can be considered as public lectures, but were addressed mainly to colleagues working in mathematics. Among the many people I met and discussed with about curriculum, possible exchanges and collaborations are at the NUM Department of mathematics, Prof. Purevsuren, Prof. Itel, and Assoc. Prof. Bayarmagnai, Assoc. Prof. Tsogzolmaa Saizmaa, B. Bayarjargal, Prof. Amarzaya A. (also Dean of Natural Science Division of School of Arts and Sciences); then Prof. B. Barsbold (Department of Applied Mathematics), Prof. R. Enkhbat (Director of the Institute of Mathematics), Dr. B. Boldgiv (Vice President for Research and International Relations) and Sh. Mendbayr (Department of International Relations and Cooperation) ?Prof. T. Srantuya (Mongolian University of Science and Technology and National Coordinator for Eurasia-Pacific Uninet); Oyun Batkhuyag (Director ?of The Society of Actuaries of Mongolia) about activities related to insurance mathematics. 

Where did you live? (e.g. hotel, hostel, on campus, in city e.g.)
I lived in a privately rented apartment (as requested by myself), within walking distance from the university main building. 

More information about the content, text books used and other information can be found in the full report which you can find as an pdf file here.