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COVID-19 Resource Website

COVID-19 and mathematics

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed modern society worldwide – and in particular, the way we work.

There is an almost universal temporary ban on international travel. As a consequence, numerous congresses, conferences, scientific meetings, and workshops have either been cancelled or postponed. Thus the traditional arena for exchanging ideas has come to a halt. However, many groups are utilizing modern technological solutions to offer online seminars in which we can all participate.

The spread of infectious diseases has also long been studied by mathematicians. Here we provide a few links to both current resources and recent activities in the field.

If you know about any further activities that should be included on this webpage, please email us at

We retain the right to refuse to include – as well as to subsequently remove – any link.

Mathematical resources related to COVID-19

International online seminars

Mathematical research connected with the COVID-19 pandemic

Mathematical research papers

Disclaimer: Below you will find links to a number of current research papers related to COVID-19. Please note that the opinions and results expressed in these papers are those of the author(s) alone. Papers are provided for information and discussion purposes without endorsement from the IMU.

A. Zhigljavsky et al.: Generic probabilistic modelling and non-homogeneity issues for the UK epidemic of COVID-19
A. Zhigljavsky et al.: Comparison of different exit scenarios from the lock-down for COVID-19 epidemic in the UK and assessing uncertainty of the predictions
A. Zhigljavsky et al.: A prototype for decision support tool to help decision-makers with the strategy of handling the COVID-19 UK

O. Kounchev, G. Simeonov, Z. Kuncheva: The TVBG-SEIR spline model for analysis of COVID-19 spread, and a Tool for prediction scenarios

F. Ndairou, I. Area, J. J. Nieto and D. F. M. Torres: Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with a Case Study of Wuhan, Chaos Solitons Fractals 135 (2020), Art. 109846, 6 pp (arXiv).