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Call for Intention to Bid to organise and host ICME-14 in 2020

ICMI is hereby inviting its state representatives, national/regional organisations and academic institutions to consider the possibility of organising and hosting the International Congress on Mathematical Education in July/August 2020.

CMI recognises that not all states have similar conditions to mount a potentially successful bid. Nevertheless ICMI acknowledges that every bid will have its own advantages and highlights as well as its own weaknesses and difficulties. Therefore all states are encouraged to consider bidding according to the guidelines below. The Executive Committee of ICMI will judiciously weigh the weak and strong points of all bids, taking into special consideration proposals from regions in which ICME has not been held in the past, and for which the conference will considerably boost mathematics education.

When considering and preparing the submission of a declaration of intent to organise and host this conference, ICMI advises the potential candidates to consider the following (which will be required as part of a full bid document due in November 1st, 2014):

- Provide a statement explaining why ICME should take place in the proposed state. Please point out particular highlights but also address honestly potential weaknesses or difficulties.

- Provide a list of national and regional organisations (professional associations, universities, governmental/nongovernmental
organisations, others) and prominent mathematicians and/or mathematics educators who support the idea of organising and hosting the conference, and will
contribute to the organisational efforts.

- Nominate the convenor of the conference and the head of the local organising committee, prepare a brief CV for each of these two persons and provide a personal letter of intent signed by them. Bear in mind that whereas all the members of the local organising committee are appointed by the organisers, the members of the international program committee (the IPC - in charge of the scientific components of the conference) are appointed by ICMI.

- Provide a statement confirming that participants from all over the world (regardless of their nationality) will be allowed freedom of entrance to the hosting state (except for the possible need of a visa).

- Provide a concise description of the venue (and its facilities) available to host the academic activities of the conference (expected attendance of 2,500-3,000 participants).

- Provide a description of the amount/type of accommodation which can be offered, including an adequate amount of inexpensive lodging. Provide some information about distances to the venue and availability of convenient transportation.

- Provide an estimate of the budget and list possible sources of funding (including intention to approach commercial, governmental or philanthropic entities). Bear in mind that the registration fees to be collected from the participants should be within the range of the fees charged in previous ICMEs.

Please take into account: personnel costs, publication costs (Proceedings, website, program, photocopies), rental of the venue, equipment, social events (reception, farewell, happy hour, excursion, coffee breaks), invited participants (travel and accommodation of plenary speakers), costs of the organisation of two IPC meetings (travel and accommodation of 15-20 members for two one-week periods), insurance and miscellaneous expenses.

- Provide an estimated timeline for the publication of the Proceedings. ICMI warmly recommends potential bidders to approach previous conference convenors in order to gain first-hand information about the character and scope of the task.

All members of the Executive Committee (EC) of ICMI, and certainly the President and the Secretary General, will be open for consultation towards the preparation of the proposal.

Please provide your letter of intent (acknowledging each of the above points) by December 1, 2013.

Address the letter and/or any related question to:
Abraham Arcavi
Secretary General of ICMI

More information can be found here.