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Call for for papers of the “Espace Mathématique Francophone 2015” scientific conference


held in Algeria, from October 10th, to October, 14th, 2015, is now online at the conference website.

The second announcement, including the call for papers, of the “Espace Mathématique Francophone 2015” scientific conference, which will be held in Algeria, from October 10th, to October, 14th, 2015, is now online at the conference website at the following address:

Espace Mathématique Francophone is an ICMI regional conference that is held every three years. It is aimed at an international audience of mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers, teacher trainers and teachers. The conference language is French.

The deadline to submit a paper for an oral presentation is January, 15th, 2015. The deadline to submit a poster proposal is March, 1st, 2015.

Espace Mathématique Francophone is an ICMI regional conference that is held every three years. It is aimed at an international audience of mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers, teacher trainers and teachers. The conference language is French.