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Progress of Qingpu Experiment in 21 Century: An empirical study on main factors analysis of mathematical ability objects


Prof GU Lingyuan, Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences, Dr YANG Yudong, Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences, Mr YANG Jianzhong, Qingpu Experiment Research Institute of Shanghai,




Chinese mathematical reform, Mathematical teaching quality, Research on teaching, Teaching object,


GU Lingyuan, YANG Yudong, YANG Jianzhong

Abstract? Qingpu Experiment opened a window to know Chinese mathematical teaching reform since 1970’s, which originated from how to improve mathematical teaching quality extensively in a region, and research on teaching object are always its core topic. In this paper, we described the test for mathematical teaching objects involved 4349 eight-grade students in Qingpu District of Shanghai in 2007, based on a similar test of 3000 eight-grade students in 1990. This report was in accordance with the result of tests, which extracted the inner-link of the main factors by factor analysis method and revealed the disadvantage of Bloom taxonomy, and intended to construct a new framework of the taxonomy of four-levels: operant memorization level, conceptual memorization level, explaining comprehension level and exploring comprehension level. Applying the framework of four levels of taxonomy, a comparison between the test in 2007 and the test in 1990 was done to analyze what level of mathematical teaching objects were achieved. The outcome shows that: Though the memorization oriented level as calculation and concept has been improving greatly since 1990 and the object of the explaining comprehension level (comprehension, application, etc.) has been reached, the exploring comprehension level (especially the abilities of analyzing and problem solving) stays the same as 17 years ago. Other results of comparison, involved city-and-countryside, girls-and-boys and student-aptitude-inclination et al., were also reported in this paper.

Keywords: mathematical teaching object, cognitive level, Bloom taxonomy, test, 8-grade students, factor analysis, comparative study