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16th Discussion Meeting in Harmonic Analysis, India, 16-19 December, 2019

The "16th Discussion Meeting in Harmonic Analysis" was held at the Indian Institute of Science Educaton and Research, Bhopal, India during the period 16-19 December, 2019. This conference is the most important activity in the area of harmonic analysis in India and is conducted once in every two years. The main goal of the conference is to provide young researchers with a platform in order for them to interact with the leading experts in this area. There were around 95 participants at the conference, with participants from all around the world.

Research School on Quantum Symmetries, Colombia, 25 June-5 July, 2019

The Research School on Quantum Symmetries was held in Bogota, Colombia during the period June 24 - July 5, 2019. The research school took place in two weeks (10 working days). The meeting consisted of a series of lectures (six mini-courses, one hour and a half for days every mini-course), each mini-course with three problem-sessions, two research talks, one public lecture (given by Eric Rowell),  two training sessions, a poster session and a reception. All conferences and activities, except for the public lecture, were held in English.

ICCGNFRT, India, 16 - 19 October, 2019

The "International conference on Class Groups of Number Fields and related topics" was held in Allahabad, India during the period 16-19 October, 2019. The conference covered a wide range of topics related to algebraic number fields, which is an active area of research in number theory. A number of internationally renowned experts from these areas where hosted, who shared their research and expertise to the researchers from India and other neighboring countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

XXXIX CNMAC 2019, Brazil, 16-20 September, 2019

The CNMAC was held at the Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, during 16-20 September, 2019. The CNMAC is an annual congress organized by the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics (SBMAC), being the largest meeting about applied, computational and industrial mathematics in Brazil and in Latin America. The SBMAC has as its main purpose to promote the development and dissemination of computational and applied mathematics in Brazil.

12th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries, Laos, 1-3 November, 2019

The 12th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries (ICMMEDC 2019) was held at the at National University of Laos (NUOL), Dongdok Campus, Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, during the period 1 - 3 November, 2019.

CIMPA Research School: Syzygies, from Theory to Applications, Brazil, 4-13 November, 2019

The CIMPA Research School: Syzygies, from Theory to Applications was held in Brazil during the period 4-13 November, 2019. During the research CIMPA Research School graduate students and young researchers had the opportunity to study some fundamental techniques and recent developments on syzygy based methods, including:
• applications to combinatorial and toric geometry,
• module of differentials,
• the Minimal Resolution Conjecture,
• regularity of powers of ideals,
• geometric properties of rational maps and geometric modeling.

WAMS-Mathematics and their Interactions, Turkey, 27 October-3 November, 2019

The WAMS-Mathematics and their Interactions was held at the Nesin Mathematics Village in Izmir, Turkey during the period 27 October-3 November, 2019. The objective of this school was to offer a fairly complete offer of courses in the modeling field, ranging from theoretical approaches to concrete developments (modeling and numerical simulations). The implementation and development of numerical approximation methods requires, first and foremost, a good knowledge of mathematical equations (differential equations, partial differential equations), but also the phenomena they account for.

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