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New developments and trends in mathematics education at tertiary level

F105 Room

Many of today’s undergraduates cannot imagine life without cellular phones and laptops. How do these rapid technological changes in our society influence teaching and learning mathematics at the tertiary level? While many of mathematics lecture halls are still dominated by instructor’s “chalk and talk” and students’ hast note-taking, others engage in creative explorations, the use of technology and problem solving. But are there any identifiable trends, either local or universal? The aim of our Topic Study Group will be to explore recent trends and developments from around the world. We will balance our desire to provide a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art with an understanding that the time frame allows only for “snapshots”.

The topic is extremely broad not only because of our geographical variety, but also because of variety in content. “Tertiary” is more of a place – colleges and universities – rather than “level”. For learning mathematics at tertiary level there are future research mathematicians taking advanced abstract algebra course, future consumers of mathematics struggling with business calculus, liberal arts students relearning basic algebra to comply with “numeracy” requirement, and future teachers of mathematics, to mention just a few target groups and levels. In what way are the recent trends and developments similar or different for these groups of learners?


Organizing team composition


Papers and discussion documents

Team chairs:

Oh Nam Kwon (Korea)

Ansie Harding (South Africa)

Team members:

Fabrice Vandebrouck (France)

University Paris 7

Keith Weber (USA)

Moisés Hinojosa (Mexico)


TSG 5 have four sessions, two of one hour each and two of 90 minutes each. More specifically, the first three sessions will address the issues related to theory and practice of mathematics education at tertiary level, including but not limited to pedagogy, curriculum, research and teacher education. Presentations can be both of a theoretical or of an empirical nature. In the fourth session we wish to focus on “visions for 2027”, that is, 20 years after the Monterrey meeting. Since the people who will be active in 2027 are the young researchers in our midst, we would preferably like to turn this session over to the newcomers in the field. 

Presentations, previsional program and proceedings are now available in the following files.

Papers and discussion documents

Presentation Table (17.00 KB)

Programme as on 30 June 2008 (25.00 KB)

Abstracts (40.00 KB)

Proceedings (7.00 KB)