CWM call 2023
The CWM 2023 call for Networks, Workshops and other initiatives is opened till 23 December, 2022.
There will be no other CWM call for applications regarding activities in 2022.
The CWM 2023 call for Networks, Workshops and other initiatives is opened till 23 December, 2022.
There will be no other CWM call for applications regarding activities in 2022.
Brazilian mathematician at IMPA
Research area: Algebraic geometry, in particular in birational geometry and the theory of extremal rays; Fano varieties, and algebraic foliations
L'Oreal Award for Women in Science in Brazil in 2008, Ramanujan Prize for Young Mathematicians from Developing Countries 2020
Invited speaker ICM 2018
led the inaugural World Meeting for Women in Mathematics (WM)2 2018
Vice-chair of CWM for the period 2019-2022
(1947 - 2022)
American mathematician
Research area: structure and representation theory of Lie algebras and related algebraic structures
Polya Lecturer by the Mathematical Association of America, Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, President of the Association for Women in Mathematics (2009 - 2011)
ICM 2014 Emmy Noether Lecture
The hybrid event "To constitute a network of Women Mathematicians in South Asian and Middle Eastern Region" will be held on 4 th -5 th October 2022 at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Suhar for two days. The first day (4 th October, 2022) of the hybrid event is in person at UTAS-Sohar, Oman and the second day (5 th October, 2022) of the event will be continued on virtual mode.
The event is sponsored by CWM-International Mathematical Union and UTAS-Suhar.
Professor of statistics in the Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Research area: stochastic processes and large deviations theory.
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.
Invited speaker (WM)² 2018
Professor of the Universidad de Chile and an academic of the Department of Mathematical Engineering, researcher at the Center of Mathematical Modeling and director of the Education Lab of that same unit.
Research area: Nonlinear Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.
Academic Excellence Young Investigators Award from the Chilean Academy of Sciences.
Invited speaker (WM)² 2018
Researcher at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, and Pofessor of econometrics and operations research at Tilburg University.
Research area: computer scientist, discrete mathematics and optimization.
Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Invited speaker ICM 2014
Keynote speaker (WM)² 2018
Full professor at the University of Buenos Aires.
Dickenstein preside over the National Academy of Exact Sciences of Argentina (2024-2026). For the first time in the history of the prestigious institution, a woman was elected as its President.
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, Vice-president of the International Mathematical Union (2015-2018).
Research area: algebraic geometry, particularly toric geometry, tropical geometry, and their applications to biological systems.
Professor emeritus at the University of Paris, member of the Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris rive gauche.
Research area: Riemann surfaces, Representations of p-adic reductive groups.
Médaille Albert Châtelet, Silver Medal of the CNRS, Humboldt Prize, Petit d'Ormoy Prize of the Académie des Sciences de Paris.
Invited speaker at the European Congress of Mathematics (Barcelona, 2000)
Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematics (Beijing, 2002)
2022 ICM Noether Lecturer