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Here you can find the

Guidelines for preparation for the first IPC meeting for an ICME congress (version September 2020) (pdf-file).



ICME-15  will take place in Sydney, Australia on July 7-14, 2024.

Registration opened July 7th, 2023.

Welcome to the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Awardees Multimedia Online Resources website (ICMI AMOR)

ICMI announces the transition in its leadership effective January 1, 2021, with the election of Frederick K. S. Leung succeeding Jill Adler as president, Jean-Luc Dorier replacing Abraham Arvaci as Secretary General, Anjum Halai and Merrilyn Goos as vice presidents, and new executive committee members-at-large Marta Civil,  Patricio Felmer, Mercy Kazima, Nuria Planas and Susanne Prediger.

ICMI General Assembly 2016

The 3rd General Assembly (GA) was held in Hamburg, Germany on Sunday, July 24, 2016 the day prior to the opening of the International Congress for Mathematical Education (ICME-13) held July 24- 31, 2016 in Hamburg Germany.

ICMI Newsletter March 2020

Abraham Arcavi (ICMI Secretary General)
Merrilyn Goos (ICMI Vice President)
Lena Koch (ICMI Administrative Manager)





Gert_Schubring.pngGert Schubring
2019 Hans Freudenthal Medal

Tommy_Dreyfus.pngTommy Dreyfus
2019 Felix Klein Medal

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