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The new IMU Executive Committee for the period 2019 – 2022 was elected during the IMU GA 2018.

The new IMU EC 2019 – 2022 has the following members:

President: Carlos Kenig (US)

Secretary General: Helge Holden (Norway)

Vice Presidents: Nalini Joshi (Australia) and Loyiso G. Nongxa (South Africa)


Members at Large: 

Luigi Ambrosio (Italy), 

Andrei Okounkov (Russia), 

Paolo Piccione (Brazil), 

Trivandrum Ramakrishnan Ramadas (India), 

7th East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology (EACAT), India, December 1-6. 2017

The East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology (EACAT) is a biannual conference on the broad area of Algebraic Topology. The seventh conference of this series was held at IISER Mohali, India, during December 01-06, 2017. The conference was organised jointly by IISER Mohali and IIT Ropar. There were a total of 33 talks on various aspects of Algebraic Topology by experts from 07 countries. A proceedings of EACAT consisting of contributed articles by some speakers and some well-known topologists from the region is under preparation and will be published by Springer.

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