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Exhibitions with galleries of portraits

On this page you will find a selection of exhibitions with galleries of portraits of women mathematicians created by institutes, organizations or private persons. Please let us know if you are aware of other good sources which might be included.

Mathematicians of EvenQuads

Another idea of a gallery is this set of playing cards, provided by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). EvenQuads decks of cards honor notable women mathematicians and can be used to play many mathematical games. When complete, there will be 4 different decks in the series, highlighting a total of 256 women. This game is not only a celebration of women in mathematics but of an entire community that works to support and encourage them. Flip a card to get information about the artist, a link to a short biography, and for some, links to video interviews. All the images are courtesy of volunteer artists and the short biographies are the work of volunteer biography writers using public records. More information on the project you will find here.

Women of Mathematics throughout Europe. A gallery of portraits

The exhibition offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs (by Noel Tovia Matoff) and excerpts of interviews (by Sylvie Paycha with Sara Azzali for some of them) of twenty women mathematicians throughout Europe.This touring exhibition, whose starting point was the 7th ECM held in July 2016 in Berlin, stems from the observation that nowadays, women still find it difficult to embrace a career in the mathematical academic world and the disparity between the proportion of men and that of women among professional mathematicians is still shamefully large. The twenty women mathematicians portrayed here share with us their experience, thus serving as role models to stimulate young women scientists to trust their own strength.

Mujeres Matemáticas en Colombia: Women Mathematicians in Colombia

As part of the celebration of the International Women's Rights Day and the first celebration of the International Mathematics Day, the exhibition "Mujeres Matemáticas en Colombia" was presented in the city of Bogota. The exhibition was available from March 9th until April 4th, 2020. On occasion of the first birthday of the exposition a video was published, and via the video channel the portraits of women mathematisians in Colombia are displayed.

Ela está em tudo: She is in everything

The exhibition Ela está em tudo (She is in everything) was conceived during the Biennium of Mathematics in Brazil (2017-18), with the main objective of showing that Mathematics is indeed a "girl thing". Unhappy with the male predominance in the exact sciences, and particularly in mathematics, we conceived an exhibition dedicated to women who like mathematics.

Retratos de Matemáticas: Portraits of Mathematicians

The exhibition was organized by PAR Explora de CONICYT RM Norte and the Colectivo de Mujeres Matemáticas de Chile in 2018. It features profiles of European and Latin American mathematicians, and is based on the exhibition "Women of mathematics throughout Europe: a gallery of portraits" presented in 2016 at the European Congress of Mathematics. To these are added profiles of Chilean and Latin American mathematicians, commissioned by the collective of women mathematicians of Chile. The result is very interesting and allows to see many points in common between the European and Latin American communities, but also differences.

Remember Maryam Mirzakhani

The exhibition opened at the (WM)², the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, and remained open during ICM 2018. Institutions interested in hosting the exhibition can consult the rules of use and contact CWM at

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