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National organizations are listed in alphabetical order by country. The page for regional, continental or international organization for women in mathematics can be found here.

CWM Ambassadors: CWM has about 150 special correspondents, called CWM ambassadors, worldwide. If you can't find information about your country listed elsewhere, please contact your ambassador whom you can find on the list here. If you need to contact an ambassador by email please write to

A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | I | J | K | L  | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



The Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG) has been an active special interest group of the Australian Mathematical Society since early 2013. It has a monthly newsletter and the website contains a lot of interesting further links.

update: June, 2022


Austria flag

One of the key achievements was the establishment and reinforcement of Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics A2WiM in 2021. Initially founded by a few women, the association now boasts hundreds of members. The celebration of women in mathematics was organized every May or June in 2022, 2023, and 2024 in honor of Maryam Mirzakhani. An Austrian Women in Mathematics Day has been held and celebrated as a major conference every year in February. The fourth one was on February 22, 2024, and the fifth one is also planned to be held in person in Vienna. Further activities are the Get-together Workshop and Career Advice for young Mathematicians, A2WiM Tea Time meets VSM Happy Hour, and the Spotlight Program.

Contact: Zahra Nazemian

update: July, 2024



Brazil has as yet no formal organisation but is actively involved in movements to set up an organization Latin American Women in Mathematics. The CWM sponsored Encontro Paulista de Mulheres na Matemática (First meeting of women mathematicians from the state of Sao Paulo) took place  11 March 2016  at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Brazil was hosting (WM)^2: World Meeting for Women Mathematicians, which took place  in Rio de Janeiro immediately before ICM 2018.

Contact: Carolina Araujo 

update: June, 2022


The Bulgarian Women in Mathematics Association was founded at a meeting in December 2002 by a group of Bulgarian women mathematicians. The aim of the association is to encourage and support Bulgarian women to study and work in the field of mathematics. The group meets regularly and considers the gender gap and the differences of opportunities and difficulties faced by women in the country. The members exchange information on scholarships, funding opportunities, programs and conferences in mathematics in the country and abroad.

update: June, 2022



The Cameroon Women in Mathematics Association CAWOMA was founded at a meeting on 19th July 2016 at AIMS in the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Yaoundé.

CAWOMA is part of AWMA, African Women in Maths Association. For more information, please see the AWMA website.

update: June, 2022



The Canadian Mathematical Society has an active Women in Mathematics Committee. Its mandate is to “monitor the status of women within the Canadian Mathematical community and the CMS, recommend actions to the Board which will assure equitable treatment of women, and encourage the participation of women at all levels of mathematics.” The website contains useful information about activities, meetings and resources for female mathematicians, especially in Canada.

update: June, 2022



Colectivo de mujeres matemáticas is a group of Chilean women mathematicians founded in 2014. It meets regularly to speak about the gender gap and the differences of opportunities faced by women in the region. The group has delivered talks at several high schools, speaking about what being a mathematician is and also addressing the stereotype that mathematics is a men game. It has also participated in some university events speaking about the gender gap in math and science. Besides the web page, the group also has a facebook group.

Mujeres en Computacion

“Somos una agrupación de mujeres académicas, estudiantes y profesionales trabajando en computación en Chile.”  (A group of academic women, students and professionals working in computation in Chile.) Part of the group Latinas in Computing founded in 2006.

update: June, 2022



The Chinese Mathematical Society has The Female Mathematicians Committee (FMC-CMS). It was founded in October 2012. Its present chair is Xiaoyun Wang, TsingHua University. As one of the branches of the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS), this committee is a national non-profit academic organization in which Female mathematicians who are engaged in research, teaching and applications of mathematics can share their scientific research through academic communications both in China and abroad, and let their voice be heard by the world not only as scholars but also as women.

update: June, 2022



The Commission of Equity and Gender of the Colombian Mathematical Society was created after the event Latin American Women in Mathematics, which was sponsored by the CWM in 2016.

Its objectives are:

- To promote the participation in mathematics of women and minorities in Colombia.

- To make visible the activity of women and minorities who work in mathematics in Colombia.

- To collect and disseminate information on scholarships, programs and calls for women and minorities working in mathematics in Colombia.

- To form alliances with various national and international organizations that promote the participation of women and minorities in science.

In order to achieve some of these goals, we have some campaigns about women in mathematics, such as #mujerESmatemáticas, where every other week, we share information about a colombian woman working in mathematics.


update: June, 2022


The Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Matemática (SEDEM) has an Equity Commission, whose purpose is to:

  • Encourage Ecuadorian girls and young women in the study of mathematics
  • Put forward initiatives that support and make visible the work of Ecuadorian women mathematicians in research, academia, education, and other related fields
  • Promote the academic work of women scientists in the area of mathematics
  • Distribute information about scholarships and funding opportunities
  • Be the direct liaison of SEDEM with the International Mathematical Union (IMU) in matters related to equity
  • Build a global network and foster scientific collaboration with national and international organizations of women mathematicians.


update: June, 2022



The Egyptian Women in Mathematics Association (EWMA) was created in May 2020.
As a first activity they celebrated the international day of Women in Mathematics in an online activity. The first conference for Egyptian women in Mathematics took place at Nile University in May, 2022.


update: June, 2022



Ethiopia has as of yet no formal organization for women in mathematics but there are official activities to encourage young girls into STEM fields. The first regional workshop of the African Women in Mathematics Association was  held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in October 2018. In February 2020 a three-day training program for female mathematics teachers was organized with the goal of inspiring teaching methods that will motivate girls to enter STEM fields.



Femmes et mathématiques

The second oldest organization for women mathematiciens, femmes et mathématiques was founded in 1987.

"Peu de filles dans les filières techniques et scientifiques, peu de femmes dans les métiers scientifiques, en particulier en mathématiques, c’est de ce constat et de la volonté d’y remédier qu’est née en 1987 l’association femmes et mathématiques. Elle compte actuellement environ deux cent membres, pour l’essentiel des mathématiciennes travaillant à l’Université ou dans des organismes de recherche et des professeurs de mathématiques de l’enseignement secondaire ou de classes préparatoires …"

update: June, 2022



Since the early days of EWM there has been a German section of European Women in Mathematics. It has organized a number of national and international meetings; it also maintains an email distribution list (ewm-info) for Germany with information on job ads and other matters. The German Mathematical Society (DMV) has Diversity and Equal Opportunities as one of its fields of activities and cooperates closely with the German section of EWM in this context. The Emmy Noether Lectures at the DMV annual meeting were initiated by the Diversity and Equal Opportunities representative in 2008. The Arbeitskreis Frauen und Mathematik is a sub-unit of the Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM, German society of math education) and is mainly concerned in gender-specific issues in mathematics didactics. The International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) is actively working on increasing the percentage of women among GAMM members as well as the visibility of female role models in mathematics and more specifically in mechanics.

update: June, 2022


The Greek Women in Mathematics network was created in November 2021.  The aim of the association is to encourage and support Greek women that want to study and work in the field of mathematics and to give visibility to Greek female mathematicians while offering opportunities for scientific collaborations.
The network has an executive board, advisory board and a local representatives board.
The network as of March 2022 has posted its first podcast online, participated on the May 12 celebration with a virtual workshop and is organizing the 1st Workshop of Greek Women in Mathematics 11-12 July 2022, in Athens, Greece.

update: June, 2022



Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) is a collective of Indian mathematicians that has been in existence since 2009. The objective is to encourage more women to pursue higher education in mathematics, and to organize events and networking opportunities that will enable them to take up careers in mathematics. In 2015, IWM was reorganized upon the suggestion of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) to review and introduce new activities, including regional workshops in various parts of the country.

update: June, 2022



Indonesia has as yet no formal organization but hosted the CWM sponsored Women in Mathematics in Asia Forum July 28, 2016, Bali, Indonesia which took place during the 7th Asia Mathematical Conference AMC2016. The forum aims to establish a network of women mathematicians in Asia and the Oceanian region.

update: June, 2022



On the suggestion of some Iranian women mathematicians, the Iranian Mathematical Society(IMS) has established the Women’s Committee of Iranian Mathematical Society. Some of the activities of the Women’s Committee of Iranian Mathematical Society are as follows.
•    Proposal for the proclamation of May 12th as Women in Mathematics Day.
•    Organizing 4 meetings for women mathematician representatives from all universities of Iran at Shahid Beheshti University in 2016, Iran University of Science and Technology in 2018, and Bu-Ali Sina University in 2020 and 2021.
•    Organizing 5 gatherings of women mathematicians in Annual Iranian Mathematics Conferences in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021 (The last two gatherings in 2021 were online because of Coronavirus Pandemic).
•    Organizing the celebrating Women in Mathematics Day in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
•    Organizing the international mathematics Day in Iran on 14 March, 2021, and 2022.
•    Establishment of an annual award in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani.
•    Organizing some workshops for high school mathematics teachers in some cities of Iran.


update: June, 2022



Activities in Israel in connection with Women in Mathematics include annual one-week conferences for Israeli women in Mathematics in 2015 – 2020 (with a break during the COVID era). The main goal of these is to create a community of women mathematicians from all seniority levels. It is to be expected that this important event will return, after the pandemic is somewhat behind us.
In addition, a lecture series of distinguished women mathematicians is held at Tel Aviv University where an esteemed female mathematician is invited to give a lecture (sometimes two) which is supplemented by a (female) graduate's student presentation of the basics of the topic.
Other events organized by the women-in-math group include several day-events, for example for screenings of films (Hidden figures, Picture a scientist) and panel discussions. A weekly meeting for female students is also an activity which turns out to be useful to many of them. Recently, a project for all women of exact sciences in Tel Aviv has emerged, with "bring it forward" mentoring schemes, called "MEDUYAKOT" in which the mathematics students and faculty in Tel Aviv are also a part. They have a fb page:

update: June, 2022



The Women in Math-Italy community recently launched a website that aims to bring together and support the community of women in Mathematics in Italy. This initiative provides a space to share experiences and build a collaborative network. Additionally, it has a section dedicated to the calendar of events as conferences, workshops, and seminars.



The Italian Mathematical Union (UMI), the Italian national mathematical society, has an Equal Opportunities Committee which is carefully monitoring the female presence in the community.  Both the UMI and the National Institute of Advanced Mathematics (INdAM) have introduced quotas in the rules for elections of the members of their governance, so now in all Scientific Councils up to 30% of the members are women.

update: March, 2024

Ivory Coast

The Association "Femmes et Mathématiques Côte d'Ivoire" (Women and Mathematics Ivory Coast)  was founded at a meeting on 12 August 2021 in Abidjan.
"Femmes et Mathématiques Côte d'Ivoire" is part of AWMA, African Women in Maths Association. For more information, please see the AWMA website.

update: June, 2022



Japan does not as yet have an official organization, but the  Mathematical Society of Japan (MSJ) has an Equal opportunity committee  with web site (in Japanese). The committee’s main actions are  1. Support for mathematicians bringing their children to mathematical meetings, 2. Encouraging high school girls to go on to mathematics, 3. Membership in Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (EPMEWSE).

A comprehensive report "The Situation of Gender Equality in Mathematics in Japan" (2019) can de found here. The  website Suri-joshi, created in 2016, is encouraging young women interested in Math. “Suri" means mathematical sciences and “joshi” means girls. The website is mainly in Japanese but some articles are in English. Suri-joshi workshops are organized for elementary school and junior-high school girls and their mothers. Suri-joshi also organized the women mathematicians photo exhibition hosted by The EU Delegation in Japan.

update: June, 2022



Kazakhstan is part of the Central Asian Women in Mathematics Association (CAWMA). The other countries involved are Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The first meeting took place September 22-23, 2016 in Almaty (Kazakhstan) and the second meeting was October 25-26, 2018 in Khorezm (Uzbekistan), sponsored by CWM and CDC. The Association was created for women scientists in the field of STEM, provide access to specialized scientific literature, international scale, to produce specialized scientific e-newsletters, protect copyrights on works of science, provide grants and support for gifted school and college students to conduct scientific seminars and training in Central Asia.

Contact: Bakhyt Alipova

update: June, 2022



Kenya Women in Mathematical Sciences (KWIMSA) is an association of Kenyan women in mathematics and related fields. It was founded following the birth of African Women in Mathematics (AWMA) and was registered in 2014. Its president is Josephine Kagunda (University of Nairobi).
For more details see here.

update: June 2022

Korea, Republic of

South Korea.png

Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences

was founded in 2005 to contribute to the development and diffusion of technology in mathematical sciences to support academic advancement and active exchanges among Korean mathematicians and expand the base of women in mathematics.

The mission of the KWMS includes:

  • Support equal opportunities for women in mathematical sciences
  • Support researches and information exchanges among women in mathematical sciences 
  • Protect rights and improve welfare of women in mathematical sciences 
  • Collect and publish researches in mathematical sciences 
  • Serve the community by utilizing expert knowledge (popularization of mathematical sciences)

update: June, 2022



The Mexican Mathematical Society has set up La Comisión de Equidad y Género (Commission for Equality and Gender) with the aim of promoting the inclusion of underrepresented groups, particularly women, in the mathematical activity of the country.

Under their initiative, Mexican women in mathematics had their first meeting in January 2014, the second meeting in 2018, and finally the third meeting that was virtual in 2021.

Also, it was organizing meetings with the Latin American Women Mathematicians, both of them in "Casa Matemática Oaxaca" and partially supported by CWM. The first is called "Women in Mathematics in Latin America: Barriers, Advancements, and New Perspectives" (more information and video). This meeting is also called "Primer Encuentro de Mujeres Matemáticas Latinoamericanas", because the community of Latin American mathematicians has one more after, in Valdivia, Chile in 2018 and the third was planned in Bogotá, Colombia, but it was postponed by the pandemic.
The second was in May of 2022, called "Latin American and Caribbean Workshop in Mathematics and Gender" and it was a hybrid meeting (more information).

update: August, 2022



Women of Nepal in Mathematical Sciences (WoNiMS)

WoNiMS was created by a group of Nepali women mathematicians at a seminar in December 2013 and aims to support women in mathematics and promote mathematics among women and young girls. It is a forum for communication among mathematical community members to enhance mathematical knowledge and opportunities for women and considers the gender gap and variations in participation in the field of mathematical sciences. WoNiMS is on Facebook to share and email to communicate information.


update: June, 2022



EWM The Netherlands (EWM-NL), established in 2013, is the Dutch association of female professional mathematicians. The group supports women in all areas of mathematics. Its mission is to

1- Forge connection between female mathematicians.

2- Support female mathematicians in their career.

3. Encourage women to study mathematics.

4. Increase the visibility of female mathematicians.

5. Provide information about women in mathematics.

6. Cooperate with organisations with similar goals.

7. Provide a meeting place for people supporting this mission.

To fulfil this mission, EWM-NL organises annually soft skills workshops, mathematics seminars, an annual meeting, networking events, and participates in the National Mathematics Congress. EWM-NL supports its members through grants, a mentor programme, and communicates news through their newsletter and other social media. In outreach, EWM-NL sponsors regional mathematics Olympiads and a column in the national mathematical journal on the work of women mathematicians in the country. EWM-NL gathers statistics on the number of women employed in mathematics departments in the country, gathers feedback from its community, and has been suggesting policy recommendations based on this feedback.

Links: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email

update: June, 2022


Nigerian Women in Mathematics (NWM)

    The idea of Nigerian Women in Mathematics (NWM)  Association was initiated by the Dr. Deborah Olufunmilayo Makinde from the University of Ile Ife, Nigeria in 2008. In July 2010, during the Pan African Congress of Mathematicians (PACOM-2010) held at the National Mathematical Centre (NMC) Abuja, she had the opportunity to share her vision of connecting women in mathematics in Nigeria for the integrated purpose of research collaboration, mentorship, and outreach activities to motivate girls’ interest in mathematics.  This led to Association’s inaugural meeting held on July 8th, 2014, at the Department of Mathematics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. This event was fully funded by the Professorial Chair of Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Department of Mathematics, University of Ibadan, occupied at that time by Professor Olabisi Oreofe Ugbebor.
    NWM holds biennial conferences, the first of which took place at the Department of Mathematics, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria in May 2017. The second biennial conference was held at the Department of Mathematics University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria in June 2019.
    The NWM furthermore organized and hosted the Second Conference of West African Women in Mathematics at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 2018 with a week-long school on Mathematical Finance preceding the conference. The event was funded by Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM) and the University of Ibadan. Participants and plenary speakers were drawn from Nigeria and outside Nigeria. There were career talks for female students drawn from different secondary schools during the conference.
    NWM is registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria with an office in Ibadan.

President elected 2024: Professor Deborah Olufunmilayo Makinde

update: April, 2024


In Norway there have been scattered initiatives and activities to focus on women and mathematics. During the pandemic 2020-21, an initiative was taken at the University of Oslo to gather women in mathematical subjects in Norway. The result is the network Women in Mathematics Norway (WIMN), where 9 universities in Norway cooperate. From their webpage Women are underrepresented in "mathematics heavy" professions. Mathematics is also a choice for girls and women. This network is meant to support and inspire you who are interested in mathematics and/or wonder whether mathematics is something for you. We will, amongst other things, showcase people working with mathematical subjects, announce various events and keep in touch nationally. We  will have an extra focus on women, and welcome men to participate too.

update: June, 2022



Pakistani Women in Mathematics (PWM)

seeks to provide a stimulating intellectual environment for women academicians from all over Pakistan in different mathematical disciplines. Their first meeting was held at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad in April 2014, followed by their second meeting at the University of Peshawar in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in November 2017. The next meeting of PWM is being planned.



Panama does not have a formal organization for women in mathematics yet. Since May 2019, Panama has organized a monthly Math Carnival in different museums, parks and malls. The first Math Carnival took place on the International Day for Women in Mathematics on May 12th, 2019. Even though the Math Carnivals are open to the public, the purpose of this math outreach event is to inspire our youth, particularly girls, to study math by showing them real-life examples of Panamanian female mathematicians who are successful in their careers. Since the creation of the Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT) in December 2019, the Math Carnivals have been organized by FUNDAPROMAT, as well as Virtual Encounters with Outstanding Mathematicians, in which international female mathematicians share anecdotes of their personal life and their professional journey and then present on an interesting math topic.

Contact: Jeanette Shakalli at

update: August, 2022



Peruvian Women in Mathematical Sciences

In March 2016, Peruvian mathematicians formed Grupo de Mujeres Peruanas en Ciencias Matemáticas during the event Primer Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres Peruana en Matemáticas (First meeting of Peruvian women in mathematicians) in Peru. Their first goal is the empowerment of the women in mathematical sciences and the organization of different academic and professional activities. They are part of the Red de Mujeres en Matematicas en Latinoamerica y El Caribe. 

Grupo de Mujeres Peruanas has a facebook group. The second meeting will be in March 2017.

Contact: Roxana Lopez or



Polskie Towarzystwo Kobiet w Matematyce (PTKM - Polish Women in Mathematics) was founded on April 2nd, 2016 at a meeting in Rzeszow, Poland. PTKM  expects to be an active part of the mathematical community, and plans to organize meetings, workshops and seminars as well as to be an active member of  various actions in Poland and other countries.

The main aims are: the development of mathematical sciences and academic staff, being active among the Polish mathematicians, supporting the progress of women in mathematics, promoting of the achievements of women in mathematics, the exchange of women mathematicians between academic institutions in the country and the world, expansion of the base of Polish women in mathematics and the close cooperation with international organizations of women in mathematics, in particular with CWM, EWM and AWM.


update: June, 2022


EWM-Portugal is the Portuguese node of EWM. It gets together a group of people that intends to promote the work of Portuguese mathematical women through discussions, meetings, dissemination of events, awards, scholarships, and courses in Mathematics.

The article “Women mathematicians in Portugal: a portrait” (2018), from Sofia Castro (Universidade do Porto) and Margarida Mendes Lopes (Universidade de Lisboa) describes the gender balance in the Portuguese mathematical scientific community.


update: June, 2022  



Women in Science and Education (AWSE)

This is an organization of women (men are accepted as members as well). Goals: self-organization of the Russian scientific community, professional and moral support for women in science and education, unification of the effort of scientists, academics, teachers and students with the aim of preservation and development of science and education in Russia.

AWSE has many conferences, mainly on mathematics, mathematical modeling, applications of mathematics in other sciences (biology, ecology, economics etc.), and teaching of these subjects at the university level, and also on outreach and interrelations of the scientific community with schools. The chair is Galina Galina is a professor of biophysics at Moscow StateUniversity.



The first meeting of the Senegalese Women in Mathematics Association (SWMA) was held on July 8-9, 2016 at AIMS-Senegal in Mbour, Senegal as part of the CWM funded AWMA/WEST AFRICAN REGIONAL FORUM 2016. This was the first meeting of AWMA for the Western African region.

SWMA is part of AWMA, African Women in Maths Association. For more information, please see the AWMA website.

update: June, 2022


In Slovakia, there is not established a special organization of Women in Mathematics, yet. Slovak Society for Geometry and Graphics (SSGG) is a non-profit organization supporting young scientists working in various fields of mathematics and geometry from 2002.
This organization provides professional and moral support for women in science and education, organizes events related to research and education in these fields in Slovakia, informs about activities of EWM and IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics. The Society publishes the "Journal G" - Slovak Journal for Geometry and Graphics - twice a year, in which women mathematicians in particular are invited to publish their research work. SSGG chair is Daniela Velichová, professor of Applied Mathematics at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava; she is also the Slovak EWM Country Coordinator and IMU ambasador for Slovakia.

update: June, 2022


Women Committee at the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia ( was founded in 2016. It promotes the study of mathematics, physics and astronomy among girls. As men still predominate in these areas, our aim is to encourage women to pursue active careers. We strive for family-friendly scientific careers and transparency of academic employment procedures and distribution of research funds. The mathematical part of the Committee closely cooperates with EWM. 
Our latest achievement was the organization of the expanded exhibition "Women of Mathematics throughout Europe" ( that was first presented at the 8thECM in Portorož in 2021 and is now touring Slovenia.
update: June, 2022



Mujeres y Matemáticas

(Women and Mathematics) is a subcommittee of the Spanish mathematical society Real Sociedad Mathematica Espanola (RSME).  

Committee for Women in Statistics and Operational Research

of the Sociedad de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa (SEIO - Society for Statistics and Operations Research)

update: June, 2022



In 2015, the Tunisian Women Mathematics Association (TWMA) was founded. It aimed at Tunisian women with a doctoral degree in mathematics.  The president is Saïma Khenissy.

TWMA is part of African Women in Mathematics (AWMA), for Tunisia's details see also here, and on facebook.

For more in French see AFTM présentation.

update: August, 2022



The Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics was established in June 2012. The aim of the association is to support women in mathematics, both in academic and social areas, and encourage young women to pursue academic careers in mathematics. To achieve this goal, the association is trying to bring women mathematicians together by organizing meetings in several formats.

update: June, 2022


UAE does not as yet have an official organization, but the CWM ambassador contacted several women organisations in the country. So far, there was the online conference "International Women in Mathematics Day 2021" on June 9th that appeared in the national news papers and in different online journals. Based on this success, the CWM ambassador was contacted to be a keynote speaker at the conference "Emirati women support for the nation from establishment to achievement 2021" organized by Liwan association for culture and arts foundation. Similarly, she gave two seminars at the lycée français International Georges Pompidou Dubai for the event "Femmes et mathématiques " (women and mathematics) that was held on the 8th of February 2022.This year, there was a successful blended conference on the 13th of June 2022 to celebrate "International Women in Mathematics Day 2022".

update: June, 2022



The London Mathematical Society (LMS) has an active Committee on Women in Mathematics. It runs an annual Women in Maths Day and  Mary Cartwright lecture. It offers small childcare grants for attending conferences, and the Grace Chisholm Young Fellowships  to mathematicians who need support when their mathematical career is interrupted by family responsibilities or similar circumstance. Mary Cartwright (1900-1998) and Grace Chisholm Young (1868-1944) were well known female British mathematicians.

The Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge has an extensive Gender Balance Programme.

See also the Athena Swan Charter and the LMS Good Practice document.

update: June, 2022



The mathematics community in Uruguay is quite small. There is no specific organization, but the contact person, Eugenia Ellis, is a member of GCD-UMALCA.

update: June, 2022



Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

This is the oldest and largest of the organisations for women mathematicians. It is based in the USA with  its activities mainly focussed there, but it has many international members. Its website contains a wealth of further resources.

AWM is on Facebook and it has recently launched a new Twitter Feed: @AWMmath  to improve communications.

Joint Committee on Women in the Mathematical Sciences (JCW)

The Joint Committee on Women in the Mathematical Sciences (JCW), founded in 1971 as a committee of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), is now a joint committee of eight mathematical and statistical societies. The committee serves primarily as a forum for communication among member organizations about the ways in which each organization enhances opportunities for women in the mathematical and statistical sciences. JCW disseminates information about effective mechanisms and best practices for these enhancements through media such as its website, society publications, and presentations at meetings of the member societies.

American Statistics Association Committee on Women in Statistics

The committee on women in statistics of the American Statistical Association (ASA).

Many other related organisations, mainly based in the USA, can be found here.

update: June, 2022



Uzbek Women in Mathematics is a member of the Central Asian Women in Mathematics Association CAWMA. The other countries involved are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. 
The first meeting took place September 22-23, 2016 in Almaty (Kazakhstan) and the second meeting was October 25-26, 2018 in Khorezm (Uzbekistan), sponsored by CWM and CDC.

The next meeting will take place on October 20-21, 2022 in Dushanbe (Tajikistan).
The main aims of Uzbek Women in Mathematics (as part of CWM) are to encourage women to study mathematics and to create scientific communication between women mathematicians and to encourage International Collaboration in Mathematics and related fields.

update: August, 2022



No organisation but contact person

Lê Thi Thanh Nhàn, Thai Nguyen College of Sciences