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Plenary Activities ICME-11 Mexico

Opening Ceremony

Welcome by ICMI President Michèle Artigue  (France)

Others: not yet available.

Plenary 1

What do we know? And how do we know it? (Two speakers with different viewpoints)

Michèle Artigue & Jeremy Kilpatrick

The International Program Committee of ICME-11 proposed that we launch the academic activities of this congress through a dialogue on issues of crucial interest for mathematics education today, such as the following: What do we know that we did not know ten years ago in mathematics education, and how have we come to know it? What kind of evidence is needed and available in mathematics education? What are society's expectations regarding our field, and how do we respond to them? How far can visions of teaching and learning mathematics and evidence in the field transcend the diversity of educational contexts and cultures? In the plenary, we will engage in such a dialogue, presenting our respective views of the dynamics of the field and its outcomes in the last ten or fifteen years, the main challenges we have to face today, and how we can address them.

not yet available.

Plenary 2

What do we need to know? Does research in mathematics education address the concerns of practitioners and policy makers? –Panel debate

Moderator: David Clarke

Panelists: Paul Cobb, Mariolina Bartolini Bussi, Teresa Rojano, Shiqi Li

In this plenary, a panel of presenters will address questions posted to a designated website by practitioners and policy makers six months prior to the conference. The intention is to explore the possibility that the research agenda in mathematics education is not actually addressing the issues of concern to practitioners or policy makers, or that existing research, which might address them, is not being disseminated effectively. Thus, the plenary is intended to offer a channel of communication between researchers in mathematics education and policy makers and practitioners.

not yet available.

Plenary 3

Technology and mathematics education

Transforming the mathematical practices of learners and teachers through digital technology

Celia Hoyles, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, University of London, U.K; Director of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics

Abstract: My presentation takes inspiration from the work of Seymour Papert, Jim Kaput, Richard Noss and all the colleagues with whom I have been fortunate enough to collaborate in the area of mathematics education and technology over many years.

Drawing on the mass of evidence from research and practice, I will first set out what I see as the vision of the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to transform the teaching and learning of mathematics. I suggest it can offer:

• dynamic & visual tools that allow mathematics to be explored in a shared space - changing how mathematics is learned and taught;

• tools that outsource processing power that previously could only be undertaken by humans - changing the collective focus of attention during mathematics learning;

• new representational infrastructures for mathematics - changing what can be learned and for whom;

• connectivity - opening new opportunities for shared knowledge construction and for student autonomy over their mathematical work;

• connections between school mathematics and learners’ agendas and culture - bridging the gap between school mathematics and problem solving ‘in the real world’;

• some intelligent support to the teacher while learners are engaged in an exploratory environment;

Under each of the six headings, I will present research evidence and examples that illustrate their transformative potential.

Taken together, the overriding evidence suggests that in order for ICT to move from the periphery to centre stage in mathematics teaching and learning and for its potential for transforming mathematical practice for the benefit of all learners to be realised, teachers must be part of the transformative process:
i) to do mathematics for themselves with the digital tools (before and alongside thinking about pedagogy and embedding in practice) thus allowing teachers, regardless of experience, the time and space to take on the role of learner,
ii) to co-design activity sequences that embed the ICT tools and make explicit appropriate didactic strategies,
iii) to try out iteratively in classrooms as a collective effort and debug together.

This design process is challenging, not least because at every phase the dialectical influence of tools on mathematical expression and communication must be taken into account.

not yet available.

Plenary 4

Current trends in mathematics

José Antonio de la Peña, Mexico

A panoramic view of current trends in mathematics and of the role and expression of mathematics in the development of science and technology will be offered to ICME-11 attendees.

Plenary 5

History of the development of mathematics education in Latin American countries. A Panel debate

Moderator: Fidel Oteiza (Chile)

Panelists: Eugene Filloy, Ubiratan D'Ambrosio, Luis Campistrous, Carlos Vasco

not yet available.

Plenary 6

Equal access to quality mathematics education. A Panel Debate

All students, regardless of age, race, ethnic group, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, geographic location, language, disability, or prior mathematics achievement, deserve equitable access to challenging and meaningful mathematics learning and achievement. This concept has profound implications for teaching and learning mathematics throughout the educational community. It suggests that ensuring equity and excellence must be at the core of systemic reform efforts in mathematics education.

A necessary component for quality mathematics education is that all students receive an education that takes into account each student’s background, including prior learning, characteristics, and abilities in a way that maximizes his/her learning and does not diminish in any way the goals s/he is expected to achieve. This pertains to both high-achieving and low-achieving students. 

Moderator: Bil Atweh (Australia)

Panelists: Olimpia Figueras, Murad Jurdak, Catherine Vistro-Yu

not yet available.

Plenary 7

Knowledge for teaching mathematics. (Two speakers representing different perspectives)

Toshiakura Fujii (Japan); Ruhama Even (Israel)

Recent presentations at PME and elsewhere suggest that knowledge of mathematics teaching has been the focus of much activity in a variety of countries. The title was considered broad enough to allow the presenters to refer to current research into pedagogical content knowledge as well as to content knowledge. This also led us to consider two presenters who could ensure an extensive viewpoint. (1.5 hours)


Toshiakura Fujii (not yet available)

Plenary 8

Report of Survey Team 3: The impact of research findings in mathematics education on students´ learning of mathematics

Chair: Angel Gutiérrez

not yet available.

Plenary 9

Report of Survey Team 4: Representations of mathematical concepts, objects and processes in mathematics teaching and learning

Chair: Gerald Goldin

not yet available

Closing Ceremony

Report of Secretary-General

Bernard Hodgson

The reports of others are not yet available.