ICMI | GMD | University of Hamburg
ICMI-13 Video

University of Hamburg

A city devoted to knowledge, Hamburg hosts six state and ten non-state universities, as well as four universities in the greater metropolitan area, making it the academic home of more than 90,000 students, 11,000 of whom come from abroad.

ICME-13 will take place at the University of Hamburg, the fifth largest German university with nearly 39,000 students. The University of Hamburg is one of the younger German universities, founded in 1919 by local private citizens. The University of Hamburg has as its leitmotif being a gateway to the world of science. Being cosmopolitan by tradition, the university is ideally suited to host an international congress of the calibre of ICME. Academically, the university boasts several Nobel prize winners such as Otto Stern, as well as a number of famous mathematicians, for example Emil Artin, Helmut Hasse and Lothar Collatz, who together created a dynamic mathematical culture. This continues today and includes strong and productive working relations between mathematicians and mathematics educators, with many innovative ideas resulting from this synergy.

The six faculties of the University of Hamburg offer all the disciplines of a comprehensive university – law, economics and social sciences, the humanities and cultural sciences, the natural sciences and informatics, and medicine. Teacher education is a central field of study, and research related to a range of educational aspects, such as the promotion of innovative teaching-and-learning methods at school, is given high importance.

Around 670 of the 4,760 members of the academic staff are professors. They are supported by a staff of 6,600 who work in libraries, laboratories, and technical and administrative positions.

While the University has over 150 buildings spread over the city, its centre is the campus in the heart of Hamburg located between the lakes Binnenalster and Außenalster and the vivid Grindel Quarter, close to the mainline and suburban railway station Dammtor.



How to find a building - Campus map here