There will be exhibitions of commercial educational companies and presentations of institutions in buildings on the Campus of the University of Hamburg.
In the foyer of the Auditorium Maximum (Audimax) you will find:
HANDS-ON MATHEMATICS: The Mathematikum at ICME-13
The Mathematikum in Giessen is the world's first hands-on mathematics
museum. It was founded by Albrecht Beutelspacher, a German mathematician.
The interactive exhibits of the Mathematikum allow visitors from any age
and qualification to experience surprising mathematical phenomena on
their own.
At ICME-13 there will be a travelling exhibition of more than 40
exhibits from the Mathematikum. All conference attendees are invited to
participate in this unique exhibition.
Die Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) setzt sich seit 1890 für alle
Belange der Mathematik ein. Sie fördert Forschung, Lehre und Anwendungen
der Mathematik sowie nationalen und internationalen Erfahrungsaustausch.
Sie vertritt die Interessen der Mathematik in der Gesellschaft, bietet den
Rahmen und Unterstützung für vielfältige Initiativen und Aktivitäten und
hat Mitglieder in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Schule.
Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) advocates for all the interests of
mathematics in Germany. It promotes research, teaching, applications, and
national as well as international exchange of ideas and experiences. With
5,000 members, it organizes and supports mathematical events, activities,
and various initiatives.
The German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM, www.dzlm.de) is Germany?s first nationwide centre providing teacher training in mathematics and is funded by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung (www.telekom-stiftung.de). The DZLM focuses on developing long-lasting, continuing professional development programmes for multipliers that are research-based and practically relevant. These multipliers are teachers themselves (from pre-, primary and secondary schools) who in turn, offer PD courses, advice and support to other teachers, e.g. by supervising professional learning communities. The DZLM also provides professional development courses and materials that target specific types of teachers and their educators, e.g. educators who teach mathematics out-of-field, i.e. outside their specialty area, as well as pre-school teachers. All courses are continuously improved based on empirical evidence and disseminated at a large scale.
Eight universities are involved in the consortium: The Humboldt-University Berlin, Free University Berlin, University of Bochum, TU Dortmund University, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the University of Potsdam, Paderborn University and the University of Education Freiburg. In addition, the DZLM cooperates with further partners in the fields of mathematics, mathematics education and educational research, as well as the educational institutes of the different federal states.
- National Presentations
In the Westwing-Building ( Westflügel ) you will find:
- Springer
Our business is publishing. Throughout the world, we provide scientific and professional communities with superior specialist information - produced by authors and colleagues across cultures in a nurtured collegial atmosphere of which we are justifiably proud.
Springer's Education program helps the world's educators to fulfill their potential. It covers specialized fields including mathematics education and offers many titles on curriculum development, pedagogy, learning and instruction as well as educational policy. This program offers insights from a variety of perspectives and disciplines.
The education program keeps expanding and new proposals are most welcome. We are eager to consider reference works, research monographs, edited volumes, existing and new journals. Meet us at the booth and ask us what we can do for you. Our complete program can be viewed online at www.springer.com/education.
- HP
- Sense Publishers
Sense Publishers is an international academic publishing house, founded in November 2004, with headquarters in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. We publish books in the field of educational research and we aim to offer the highest level of service to our authors, readers and clients, on a global scale.
Mathematics Education is one of our strongest areas where we recently published the prestigious Second Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (edited by Ángel Gutiérrez, Gilah Leder and Paulo Boero) , also known as the PME Handbook.
This book should be on interest to every ICME participant and will be available with a discount at our booth. See also www.sensepublishers.com.
The German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM, www.dzlm.de) is Germany?s first nationwide centre providing teacher training in mathematics and is funded by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung (www.telekom-stiftung.de). The DZLM focuses on developing long-lasting, continuing professional development programmes for multipliers that are research-based and practically relevant. These multipliers are teachers themselves (from pre-, primary and secondary schools) who in turn, offer PD courses, advice and support to other teachers, e.g. by supervising professional learning communities. The DZLM also provides professional development courses and materials that target specific types of teachers and their educators, e.g. educators who teach mathematics out-of-field, i.e. outside their specialty area, as well as pre-school teachers. All courses are continuously improved based on empirical evidence and disseminated at a large scale.
Eight universities are involved in the consortium: The Humboldt-University Berlin, Free University Berlin, University of Bochum, TU Dortmund University, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the University of Potsdam, Paderborn University and the University of Education Freiburg. In addition, the DZLM cooperates with further partners in the fields of mathematics, mathematics education and educational research, as well as the educational institutes of the different federal states.
In the Eastwing-Building ( Ostflügel ) you will find:
As an official sponsor of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, CASIO would like to welcome you to the exhibition area. CASIO has been an established provider of high-performance school calculators for many years and has made a name for itself on a global scale.
The ICME 2016 offers an excellent platform to promote a dialogue between teachers and educational experts. CASIO values experts' opinions very highly when developing school calculators.
CASIO school calculators are designed to meet school requirements. By making effective use of digital mathematical tools, pupils can be helped in developing their mathematical skills using up-to-date equipment.
A wide variety of mathematical tasks can be calculated using the ClassWiz series. The high-resolution LCD is especially innovative and enables a usable spreadsheet function in a scientific calculator for the first time.
With graphic calculators, e.g. FX-CG20, you are also able to visualise the results of more complex calculations in colour and high resolution, as well as presenting them quickly as graphs, tables and lists, thus fostering mathematical understanding among pupils. The CAS handheld ClassPad II is as convenient as a tablet and at the same time as secure as a school calculator. It allows interactive work with graphic, numerical and symbolic expressions.
Furthermore, CASIO offers a wealth of teaching materials, training sessions for teachers and other support, in order to assist teachers in using CASIO calculators in the classroom.
We look forward to seeing you at the ICME 2016.
- Texas Instruments
- ICMI - a Commission of IMU
The International Commission of Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) would like to welcome mathematics educators, teachers, researchers, curriculum developers, mathematicians and policy makers from all over the world to ICME 13. ICME is a key responsibility of ICMI, which (through its Executive Committee) is in charge of choosing from among host country bids, appointing an International Programme Committee to form the scientific programme and selecting presenters, and overseeing progress of the congress preparations.
- Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
- The Mathematical Association (UK)
For any questions please get in contact with: management.icme13@uni-hamburg.de