Posters/Oral Communications
Participants are invited to submit presentations in the form of papers or posters
at ICME-13. All participants can only submit either a paper or a poster due to the
expected high number of contributions. Conference participants can serve as subordinated
authors of other papers or posters in maximally two other cases. All submissions
have to be assigned to one Topic Study Group, which has to be chosen at the
beginning of the submission process.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Depending on their quality and their alignment
with the planned structure of the selected Topic Study Group the papers will be
presented either within the regular sessions of the Topic Study Groups or in Oral communication
sessions attached to the selected Topic Study Group. Posters cannot be
displayed within the regular sessions of the Topic Study Groups due to restrictions of
the rooms, but will be jointly presented in evening sessions attached to the selected
Topic Study Group.
This structure strengthens the role and importance of the Topic Study Groups.
It will allow high-standard discussions giving an overview on the current state-of-the
art and will enable all interested participants to present their work at ICME-13 and
receive feedback from the academic audience.
The submission process will be organised as follows
– Paper submission to a selected Topic Study Group, 4 pages maximum.
– Poster submission to a selected Topic Study Group containing a 1 page description
of the planned poster, not the poster itself.
An ICME-13 template is available at the website (
and_paper_submission) and must be used. The submission process will be done via
Conftool, which requires an account already for the submission process.
The authors of the papers selected for presentation within the regular sessions of
the Topic Study Groups will be invited to extend their paper to 8 pages. All the other
papers will remain unchanged.
All papers of both lengths and the posters will be displayed at a part of the website
connected to the selected TSG and only registered participants of this TSG have access
to these papers. This procedure allows intensive discussions of all papers and
promotes in-advance-reading. However, it clarifies the status of the paper as unpublished
papers describing work in progress.
An extensive publication program concerning the Topic Study Groups is offered
by Springer Publisher allowing the publication of selected and extended papers presented
at ICME-13.
As preparation of the work of the Topic Study Groups materials will be made available
in advance for the congress participants, either in published form as ICME-13
Topical Survey or as more informal material displayed at the ICME-13 website.